Poland market Hohenwutzen

cheap fuel & shopping

Poland market Hohenwutzen

Cheap Fuel & Shopping


Cheap shopping in Poland at Poland Market Hohenwutzen. Make a bargain and save up to 50% when shopping for cigarettes, food, clothing, hardware and much more. 

German-speaking merchants offer their diverse wares at over 700 market stalls, including more than 200 in heated halls.

The market is open for you every day, including most Sundays and holidays. 

Duty free carry

With duty-free carry-ons of up to 800 cigarettes (usually 4 cartons) and an additional 20-liter reserve fuel canister, your visit is even more worthwhile!

There is no border control anymore - you can cross the border directly with your car, bus or on foot and start with the your purchase.


Marktstände zum preiswerten Einkaufen in Polen

There are over 800 parking spaces available on the premises free of charge, as well as clean and handicapped accessible toilets (free of charge).

fresh food from poland

Öffnungszeiten des Polenmarkt Hohenwutzen

buy cheap cigarettes in poland

Zigarretten und Tabakwaren

Flea market

Everything for home and garden

Gartenfiguren aus Polen

fashionable clothes

Modische Kleidung aus Polen

Bags, fur and leather goods from Poland

Kleidung und Schuhe aus Polen


Hardware and tools from poland


Outdoor and camping supplies


Netto - cheap. better. for you

Netto Markt auf dem Polenmarkt Hohenwutzen
Innenansicht von Netto mit Kühl- und Tiefkühlware

Medication / Pharmacy


Articles of daily use


Furniture from Poland


Dienstleistungen Für Körper



Buy fireworks in poland

Feuerwerkskörper für jede Feier

Pet supplies

Alles für Ihr Tier



for children and families

Darf es sinst noch was sein

Duty-free allowances


There are countless free experiences for your little ones with Indoor playgroundvarious outdoor playgrounds, rides, mini golf and much more. The Hohenwutzen Polish Market is a worthwhile day trip for the whole family in the Berlin and Brandenburg region.

You save with ... Euro

You save on cigarettes**: ... Euro

* With a tank capacity of 55 liters, plus 20 liters for a spare canister if necessary.

** Each person of legal age is allowed to take 800 cigarettes duty free.