Poland market Hohenwutzen

cheap fuel & shopping

Poland market Hohenwutzen

Cheap Fuel & Shopping

Opening hours

Opening hours of Poland Market Hohenwutzen are daily from 9-17, including Sundays.

The market is open on many German and Polish holidays. Below you will find a detailed list of special opening hours on German and Polish holidays.

The gas station and many market stalls and restaurants in the outdoor area of Poland Market Hohenwutzen are open continuously on all holidays.

Refuel and buy cigarettes so you can at any time!

Marktstände zum preiswerten Einkaufen in Polen

Market (outdoor passage, market halls) selected market stalls (food/
Gas station
Poland market
SB Tank
Smart -
simply smart refueling
Net discount store Indoor playground
Monday-Saturday 9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock 6-22 h 9-17 h
Sunday 9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock closed* 9-17 h
Holidays (dt/pl)
01.01. New Year closed 24h 24h 8-22 h closed closed closed
06.01. Magi (Revelation of the Lord)** 9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock closed 9-17 h
Good Friday
(no holiday in Poland)
9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock 6-22 h 9-17 h
Easter Saturday 9-15 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-15 h 8 am - 1 pm 9-17 h
Easter Sunday closed 24h 24h 8-22 h closed closed 9-17 h
Easter Monday closed 24h 24h 8-22 h closed closed 9-17 h
01.05. Labor Day** 9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock closed 9-17 h
03.05. Celebration of the Constitution of May 3** 9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock closed 9-17 h
Ascension Day
(no holiday in Poland)
9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock 6-22 h 9-17 h
Whit Sunday** 9am-5pm 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock closed 9-17 h
Whit Monday
(no holiday in Poland)
9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock 6-22 h 9-17 h
Corpus Christi** Outdoor passages open 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock closed 9-17 h
15.08. Assumption of Mary** Outdoor passages open 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock closed 9-17 h
03.10. German Unity Day
(no holiday in Poland)
9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock 6-22 h 9-17 h
31.10. Reformation Day
(no holiday in Poland)
9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock 6-22 h 9-17 h
01.11. All Saints' Day** Outdoor passages open 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock closed 9-17 h
11.11. Polish
Independence Day**
9-17 h 24h 24h 8-22 h 7-19 o'clock closed 9-17 h
24.12. Christmas Eve Outdoor passages
9 am - 1 pm
24h 24h 8-22 h 7-15 h closed closed
25.12. Christmas Day closed 24h 24h 8-22 h closed closed closed
26.12. Christmas Day 2 closed 24h 24h 8-22 h closed closed closed
31.12. New Year's Eve Outdoor passages
9 am - 1 pm
24h 24h 8-22 h 7-15 h Special opening times closed

* Netto is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the following Sundays in Poland:

2025: 26.01. / 13.04. / 27.04. / 29.06. / 31.08. / 7.12. / 14.12. / 21.12.

In the winter months of January and February, the market stalls in the outdoor area close at 3 p.m. if the temperature is below zero.

This does not apply on Saturdays and the 1st day of the month.

** On these public/national and Christian holidays, some market stalls may be closed for various reasons.

We ask for your understanding!

You save with ... Euro

You save on cigarettes**: ... Euro

* With a tank capacity of 55 liters, plus 20 liters for a spare canister if necessary.

** Each person of legal age is allowed to take 800 cigarettes duty free.